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Robert Runcie: ‘After the Falklands War’
Prince Charles: ‘ Ugly Buildings’
Dwight D. Eisenhower: ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’ (2)
Dwight D. Eisenhower: ‘The Military-Industrial Complex’ (1)
George W. Bush: ‘Inaugural Address’ (3)
George W. Bush: ‘Inaugural Address’ (2)
Abraham Lincoln: ‘Second Inaugural Address’
Edward Kennedy: ‘Speech at 1980 Democratic Party Convention’
King Edward VIII: ‘ Abdication Speech’
George W. Bush: ‘Inaugural Address’ (1)
Bill Clinton: ‘Second Inaugural Address’ (4)
Bill Clinton: ‘Second Inaugural Address’ (3)
Bill Clinton: ‘Second Inaugural Address’ (2)
Bill Clinton: ‘Second Inaugural Address’ (1)
Ronald Reagan: ‘Speech at Normandy
Robert F. Kennedy: ‘Speech after Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.’
John F. Kennedy: ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’
Lou Gehrig : ‘Farewell Speech’
Winston Churchill Braces
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