- (v)
- /'məʊbi:l/
- /ˈditeɪl /
- /ˈdɪfrəns/
- /ˈlɔɪər/
- /ˈstætəs/
- /ɔ:'gʌst/
- a couple
- a few
- a little
- abandon
- abandoned
- ability
- able
- about
- above
- abroad
- absence
- absent
- absolute
- absolutely
- absorb
- abuse
- academic
- accent
- accent
- accent
- accept
- acceptable
- access
- accident
- accidental
- accidentally
- accommodation
- accompany
- according to
- account
- accurate
- accurately
- accuse
- achieve
- achievement
- acid
- acknowledge
- acquire
- across
- act
- action
- action
- active
- actively
- activity
- actor
- actors
- actress
- actress
- actresses
- actual
- actually
- adapt
- add
- addition
- addition
- additional
- address
- adequate
- adequately
- adjust
- admiration
- admire
- admit
- adopt
- adult
- advance
- advanced
- advantage
- adventure
- advertise
- advertisement
- advertising
- advice
- advice
- advise
- affair
- affect
- affection
- afford
- afraid
- after
- afternoon
- afterwards
- again
- against
- age
- aged
- agency
- agent
- aggressive
- ago
- agree
- agreement
- ahead
- aid
- aim
- air
- aircraft
- airport
- airy
- aisles
- alarm
- alarmed
- alarming
- alcohol
- alcohol
- alcoholic
- aliens
- alike
- alive
- all
- all right
- allied
- allow
- ally
- almost
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloud
- alphabet
- alphabetical
- alphabetically
- already
- also
- alter
- alternative
- alternatively
- although
- although
- altogether
- always
- amaze
- amazed
- amazing
- ambition
- ambulance
- ambulance
- among
- amount
- amuse
- amused
- amusing
- analyse
- analysis
- ancient
- and
- anger
- angle
- angrily
- angry
- animal
- ankle
- ankles
- anniversary
- announce
- annoy
- annoyed
- annoying
- annual
- annually
- another
- answer
- anthem
- anti-
- anticipate
- anxiety
- anxious
- anxiously
- any
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anywhere
- apart
- apart from
- apartment
- apologize
- apparent
- apparently
- appeal
- appeal
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appetizer
- apple
- application
- apply
- appoint
- appointment
- appreciate
- approach
- appropriate
- approval
- approve
- approving
- approximate
- approximately
- April
- aprons
- aprons
- area
- argue
- arguing
- argument
- arise
- arm
- armed
- army
- around
- arrange
- arrangement
- arrest
- arrival
- arrive
- arrive
- arrow
- art
- arthritis
- article
- artificial
- artificially
- artist
- artistic
- artistic
- as
- as soon as
- as well (as)
- ashamed
- aside
- aside from
- ask
- asleep
- aspect
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- assistant
- associate
- associated with
- association
- assume
- assure
- at first
- at least
- athlete
- athletic
- atmosphere
- atom
- attach
- attached
- attaches
- attack
- attempt
- attempted
- attend
- attend
- attention
- attention
- attitude
- attorney
- attract
- attraction
- attractions
- attractions
- attractive
- audience
- August
- aunt
- author
- authority
- automatic
- automatically
- autumn
- autumn
- available
- avenue
- average
- avoid
- awake
- award
- aware
- away
- awful
- awful
- awfully
- awkward
- awkwardly
- back
- background
- backward
- backwards
- backyard
- bacon
- bacteria
- bad
- bad-tempered
- badly
- bag
- baggage
- bake
- balance
- ball
- baloney
- ban
- band
- bandage
- banjo
- bank
- bar
- barber
- bargain
- bark
- barn
- barrier
- base
- based on
- basement
- basic
- basically
- basis
- basket
- bath
- bathing
- bathing
- bathroom
- bathtub
- battery
- battle
- bay
- be called
- be going to
- be sick
- beach
- beak
- bear
- beard
- beat
- beautiful
- beautifully
- beauty
- because
- because of
- become
- bed
- bedroom
- beef
- beef
- beer
- bees
- beetles
- before
- begin
- beginning
- behalf
- behave
- behaviour
- behind
- belief
- believe
- bell
- bell
- belong
- below
- belt
- belt
- bend
- bend
- beneath
- benefit
- bent
- beside
- bet
- better
- betting
- between
- beyond
- bicycle
- bid
- big
- bill
- bin
- biology
- bird
- birdcages
- birth
- birthday
- biscuit
- bit
- bite
- bite
- bitter
- bitterly
- black
- blade
- blade
- blame
- blank
- blankly
- blind
- blizzard
- block
- blonde
- blood
- blood
- bloom
- blossoms
- blouse
- blow
- blow
- blue
- board
- boat
- body
- boil
- boil
- bomb
- bone
- bones
- book
- bookshelves
- boot
- booth
- boots
- border
- bore
- boring
- born
- borrow
- borrowed
- boss
- both
- bother
- bottle
- bottom
- bound
- bowl
- box
- boy
- boyfriend
- brain
- branch
- brand
- brave
- bread
- bread
- break
- breakfast
- breast
- breath
- breathe
- breathing
- breed
- breeze
- brick
- bride
- bridge
- brief
- briefly
- bright
- brightly
- brilliant
- bring
- broad
- broadcast
- broadly
- broccoli
- broken
- brother
- brown
- brush
- bubble
- budget
- buds
- build
- building
- bulbs
- bullet
- bumps
- bunch
- bunnies
- bunny
- burn
- burnt
- burst
- bury
- bus
- bush
- business
- businessman